The Gongs

The Paiste Sun Gong is a 38” Gong at a frequency of 126.22 Hz.
The Sun Gong increases the perception of our own centre. It is magical and transcendental and is beyond imagination, bringing the listener to new dimensions and to a state where good and evil, shame and guilt, time and space, being and not being, are transcended.
Essence: I Am
Keywords: Energisation, Purification, Healing, Power of Will, Personal Power, Strength, Resistance.
Chakra: Manipura – Solar Plexus – 3rd Chakra
Sign: Leo
Element: Fire

The Paiste Neptune Gong is a 24” Gong at a frequency of 211.44 Hz. Planet Gongs are tuned in conformity with the natural harmonic series based in the orbital properties of the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, and the Planets according to calculations of Hans Cousto. Thus they resonate in harmony with the cycles of the celestial bodies and communicate a distinct aspect of the “music of the spheres”.
Associated largely with artists and visionaries, Neptune stirs and animates the creative process – the sense of divine brilliance flowing through us.
Essence: I create
Keywords: imagination, mystical creativity, compassion, intensified consciousness. idealism, movement, mysticism, waves, spirituality and achievement.
Chakra: Sahasrara – Crown – 7th Chakra
Sign: Pisces
Element: Water
The Symphonic Gong isn't part of the planetary Gong collection, but has a harmonic and universal sound structure. The fundamental note of the gong is balanced with the instrument's complex overtones. The characterising word 'Symphonic' should not be misinterpreted as describing the literal sense of classical symphonic orchestra application but its original sense to unite harmonic sounds. The describing word universal shall be understood as “sound in its entirety”. It creates a mysterious blend, expansion and harmony of resonant tones.
Keywords: mysterious, powerful, pure, cosmic, radiating, impenetrable, gentle and wise.
Element: Ether

Every Gong has its own personality and will even sound different depending on who is playing it. I have selected my Gongs based on the sound, vibration and the meaning behind their tuning. As a Creatively Curious Psychotherapist it felt right to have Gongs that encourage creativity and a focus on personal power and strength.
These are the Gongs I use during Gong therapy -

Creatively Curious Therapy
T: 07783 324437
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