Events and Booking

All upcoming events are listed below. Please click on the event below to find out more information and to proceed to booking page. If you don't see an event that suits you, I am always open to exploring the possibility of new opportunities. Please get in touch.

Community gong baths are suitable for those aged 14+. I look forward to welcoming you to an hour of relaxation - pure you time. Please arrive 15 minutes before the Gong bath starts to allow you time to settle into the environment and make yourself comfortable. Village hall doors will be locked at the advertised start time to allow the Gong bath to start and not be interrupted. For example, for events starting at 7pm, please arrive at 6:45pm.

For Family gong baths, please arrive at the advertised time. Village hall doors will be locked 5 minutes after the advertised start time to allow everyone time to settle into the environment. The gongs will be played for 40-45 minutes. I would suggest these are suitable for children who are at a developmental stage where they are able to settle and relax as much as possible, with an understanding that some noise and movement may be needed to enable this. It is not suitable for children who cannot yet communicate their comfort.

For a full list of what to bring, please click here to check out the Gong bath FAQs.

If you have any questions or wish to discuss any medical or mental health considerations, please do use the contact form to start a conversation with me.

Tickets are non-refundable. If your plans change and you cannot attend, you are welcome to transfer your ticket to a friend or another event. Please inform me at least 48 hours in advance if you wish to do so. Unless in extreme circumstances, any requests with less than 48 hours notice are non-transferable.

Please click here for full cancellation and refund policy.

Friday 28th February

Community Gong Bath at

Yapton Village Hall Club Room


Sunday 23rd February

Community Gong Bath at

Walberton Village Hall Main Hall


Thursday 27th February

Community Gong Bath at

Walberton Village Hall Main Hall




Sunday 23rd March

Community Gong Bath at

Walberton Village Hall Main Hall


Thursday 27th March

Community Gong Bath at

Walberton Village Hall Main Hall


Limited to 12 places


Tuesday 15th April

Family Gong Bath at

Walberton Village Hall Main Hall


Friday 28th March

Community Gong Bath at

Yapton Village Hall Club Room


Limited to 12 places

Sunday 13th April

Community Gong Bath at

Walberton Village Hall Main Hall


Thursday 24th April

Community Gong Bath at

Walberton Village Hall Main Hall



Thursday 15th May

Community Gong Bath at

Walberton Village Hall Main Hall


Sunday 18th May

Community Gong Bath at

Walberton Village Hall Main Hall




Sunday 8th June

Community Gong Bath at

Walberton Village Hall Main Hall


Thursday 12th June

Community Gong Bath at

Walberton Village Hall Main Hall


Sunday 6th July

Community Gong Bath at

Walberton Village Hall Main Hall


Thursday 10th July

Community Gong Bath at

Walberton Village Hall Main Hall


"I can't recommend a gong bath with Lydia highly enough. For people that struggle with relaxing and a busy mind it's an incredibly peaceful session where Lydia explains the process beforehand and allows you to relax and embrace the therapy. The sounds of the gongs don't allow your mind to wander and you really do get absorbed by their mesmerising sounds. The sessions give me a chance to reset, relax and be calm, which is something that I struggle to do in day to day life. It really is 'me' time which I am hugely grateful for. Thank you Lydia."

Daisy T - Ford